The Graduate

by Aaron Fisher
30 Page E-book w/ Video Tutorial$22.95
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The Graduate is a simple and strong effect. A selected card melts upward through the deck in three stages. Finally, it magically appears on top. Each phase happens slowly so your audience has time to truly appreciate the effect. Aaron worked on this effect for over a decade. Now, it’s totally angle proof and practical for any performing conditions. As always, Aaron’s explanation of the effect is clear and easy to understand. He’ll also give you many tips and tricks (pun oh so intended) that will help you improve the rest of your magic too.
The Graduate:
- A slow-motion ambitious card. A completely fresh take on the classic routine we all know and love.
- Great for the practicing card man. Learning The Graduate will help improve your sleight of hand in many important ways.
- Certified Triple A Material. Any deck, Any time, Anywhere.
The Deets:
- 30-page e-book with 29 illustrations and video tutorial. Get yours now and begin learning The Graduate immediately.
- The introduction of this e-book is written by renowned magician (and generally awesome guy) Jim Steinmeyer.
- The effect is angle efficient. It looks good from left, right & center!
I love The Graduate specifically to perform for repeat audience members. I have a weekly restaurant gig, so the Ambitious Card has been in my repertoire for years. I was in to heavy sleight of hand when I learned this effect, and I was glad it was practical enough to bring into my regular performances. The audiences who had seen me before really loved it, and I had a great time performing a new take on a classic effect!