The Paper Engine

by Aaron Fisher
128-Page Ebook Instant Download$24.95
The Paper Engine is an internationally acclaimed magic book owned by most magicians world-wide. Why? It incorporates the important lessons of classic (read: hard) magic texts, but unlike those, is entertaining to read and easy to understand. Aaron doesn’t hold back ‘the real work’; he gives it all up here, explaining every technique to the fullest, so that any committed cardician can grasp the material. Studying this book will make your magic softer, tensionless … and truly invisible. And, it is designed to have you performing miracles for living, breathing audiences.
The Paper Engine:
- Shows you how to eliminate tension from your card work; and, just as importantly, when to embrace tension, and use it to strengthen the effect.
- Gives you the techniques that actually help you focus on the audience (instead of the more commonly used moves which force you to focus on your hands).
- Makes every action – from small to large – a piece of theatre, resulting in sleight-of-hand magic that truly is nothing short of miraculous.
-PLUS- - Johnny Thompson said, “The material in this book is top notch, and I guarantee it will enhance the repertoire of any serious student of card magic immensely.” And anyone who’s anyone knows that J.T. is a boss.