How to Make a Coin Vanish Like a Professional Magician
Coin Magic Training Part 3
First, let me congratulate you on making it this far! Welcome to the third part of this special four part training series designed to show you how to make a coin vanish like a world class magician. If your goal is to learn how to do magic tricks, you are on your way!
I want you to get the most out of this training, so please do yourself a favor and make sure to see Part One of this training before moving forward. It reveals training secrets that have never been revealed before now to anyone but my students. To enjoy Part One now, click here.
Part Two featured detailed training on the moves of the actual vanish. This information is very specific, and you’ll need to to get the most out of the training methods you’ll discover in this new installment. To see Part Two now, click here.
Welcome to Professional Misdirection the Easy Way
The answer is this: Misdirection. Many of us know the word – but very few of us can use it with skill and confidence. And without understanding exactly how to use misdirection – no coin vanish will ever really feel like real magic.
I’m about to show you exactly how to do it – and I think you’ll be truly surprised and amazed by what you discover.
How to Master Magic by Misdirection
In the old days, we were taught that the great Scottish Master Magician John Ramsay said misdirection was easy – simply look where you want the audience to look.
After many years helping other magicians ‘get it’, I have to say – it’s not quite as simply as Ramsay made it sound. If you’re reading this, there’s a very good chance you know what I mean. In fact, most magicians try this approach, and have such a rough time, they give up forever.
But misdirection isn’t impossible – it’s not even difficult. It’s actually a simple formula that anyone can use once you know the secret. And I’m about to share the formula with you. You’re about to get a simple step-by-step process that will actually compel your audience to look where you want them to.
So grab a Silver Dollar – or the biggest coin you have, and get ready to for this amazing training.
Supercharge Your Coin Vanish Misdirection
As you can see, misdirection isn’t a mystical idea or something that you are either born with or without. It’s a skill that can be mastered in a fun, enjoyable way. My students whom I teach magic lessons online typically get the best results when they stick to the pattern outlined in the above video without variation. this can take several weeks of practice. But trust me – if you take my advice before you start changing the pattern, you’ll have vastly superior results.
However, you’ll soon discover that our formula above has almost endless room for your own creativity and variations. It’s actually a framework that allows my students to become deceptive, powerful and amazing without looking like copycats. After all – a lot of the fun of magic is to share your own creativity with both your audiences and yourself.
In the next Training Video, you’ll see some examples of how you can change up the basic ‘misdirection formula’ to create infinite methods of deception and amazement.
And remember, we’ve got one more big training module coming for you that ties the whole illusion together.
You won’t just have the perfect coin vanish and reproduction – but a template that shows you how to create magic that deceives and amazes every time. (Make sure you check your email tomorrow for the final part)
To Your Success,